More Than 50% Of Medicare Eligibles Selected A Medicare Advantage Plan in 2024!

A recent report by Mark Farrah Associates indicated that more than half of people eligible for Medicare selected a Medicare Advantage plan in 2024!

Some other interesting findings: 

  • The top 10 carriers covered nearly 80% of all Medicare Advantage enrollees!

  • Centene, CVS (Aetna), UnitedHealth, Cigna, and Humana were the top five companies and currently dominate 87.5% of the Prescription Drug Plan market.

To read the entire Businesswire article by Mark Farrah Associates click on the web link below:

Source: Business Wire


Note: Medicare Insurance information can be overwhelming and confusing to many people. As an independent licensed agent I can explain things to you in simple terms so you feel comfortable making a decision. Then I can help you choose and enroll in a plan that you feel fits your needs.

By the way, it doesn’t cost you any more if you enroll in a Medicare Insurance plan through me as an independent agent versus directly with an insurance company either over the phone or via the Internet, since I get paid by the insurance companies for your enrollment. Plus you will have personalized service by a local agent. If you would like my assistance, please call me at 941-404-5334.

By calling this number, I understand I will be directed to a licensed insurance sales agent.

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